Elena's Diary part 6

Elena Gilbert Diary

Elena Gilbert Diary

Dear Diary,
I'm here as usual to keep record of how things are going here. I shared how diligent my room mates are during my last visit and the need for academic excellence.
After a long lecture, I went straight to COLERM(College Of Environmental Resources and Management) garden to relax. All eye were on me because I always stand out due to my skin color. I brought out my new iPhone 6 so as to listen to music, I like relaxing with music. The music was superb, it was new Adele 25 album. Eze saw me and ran towards me. I welcome him though I knew the next topic he gonna brought up. I chipped in the mystical voice I heard during my speech at JAO 3, he was amazed because he was there but never hear any voice.
Then I said:


is there vampire in Nigeria?

Eze was perplexed as he was short of speech and never new what to say. I am Elena Gilbert and am not a vampire is my usual slogan. My Elena is not the one mentioned in vampire diaries but to be candid I had an encounter with a Vampire. Yeah, diary this first time am reporting this to you, please don't be disappointed.
At Phoenix, Arizona (12/4/2014): Roy my ex-boyfriend, I talked about him in my past visits. Roy is handsome but my Dad didn't support our relationship. I could remember on the day we broke up, he said and I quote:"I will never give up on you and I will always follow you to your destinations". I analyzed the statement as normal then but it's more than normal. Roy hid his real self from me, Carolina once told me that Roy has metaphysical power but I didn't believe her because his yet to perform any strange thing in my presence. Could Roy be in Nigeria with me? Is in hiding inside the air?
I thought vampire story is a mere folklore and now it's happening to me. I remember Carolina saying Roy is over 500years old. Roy in Nigeria is a disaster because am not ready for any metaphysical adventure. Africa is a personal project and I wanna penetrate through Africa most populous nation. What am I gonna do? I really need help. Eze was afraid and speechless throughout, he didn't even know what to do. I know what was ringing in his mind "should I comfort her or jet out". He chooses the latter and promised to see me later.
Diary, life can be challenging, different thing can divert one from actualizing his or her dream. I need to stay strong and be ready for what is gonna happen next.

Related post :Elena's Diary 5
                    Elena's Diary 4

Diary, till we meet again.
Stay tuned, to be continued


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