5 Ways Not To Damage Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it takes a lot of abuse. Often exposed to the elements , your epidermis and the layers beneath can really take a bashing. if you want to preserve your skin , find below what NOT to do.


There was a time when people thought it was perfectly fine to slather their bodies in baby oil and spend entire days baking in the sun. Over the years, dermatologist set us straight , telling us in no uncertain terms that sun worshipping will only put us on the path to premature aging-and skin cancer.The sun has effects on the cells that renew the skin, and when those cells are injured irreparably you get skin aging and you are more prone to skin cancer.
you can tell right away when someone's been spending a lot of time in the sun. Their skin looked very wrinkly and is covered in lots of brown spots and that is from years and years of sun damage.


if the risk of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and stroke are not enough to scare you off cigarettes, how about all those wrinkles you will get.
Study after study shows just how extensively smoking ages the skin. It does a lot of what the sun does. It just does it inside the body instead of outside which is worse.It makes the skin weak, tired and listless looking.
smoking also yellows the skin,interferes with its blood supply and slows wound healing.So if you injure your skin it may not heal as well if you smoke.


A big mistakes people make when they wash their faces is using a harsh soap that is meant for their body.Keep the bar soap in the shower.Use only a mild cleaner for your face, especially if you have sensitive skin.
If your skin is acne-prone,make sure the cleanser you use is oil free and noncomedogenic,which means it does not promote acne. People whose skin is on the dry side should follow up each wash by applying a layer of lotion to srak in the skins moisture.


Washing your face is a good idea. Scrubbing it is not. Scrubbing can be very irritating to the skin. A lot of times people who have a acne will feel like they have to scrub the skin to make it better but that can actually worsen the acne. Be gentle to your skin. wash your face using a soft circular lotion.


A changing mole is one of the clearest signs of skin cancer.spotting it early gives your doctor a chance to treat it before it has time to spread. But how will you ever know a mole is changing if you never look at your skin? Once a month you should be checking your skin from top to bottom, front to back in a full length mirror.What you are looking for is changes in the size,shape and colour of moles or new moles. if you spot anything or if you have got a personal or family history cancer,let your dermatologist do a full exam as well.

If you discovered that you have a skin problem, please visit a dermatologist today as they are the best person to guide and treat you. Thanks.


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