Self Concept

Self concept

Self Concept

It another day folks, hope you are enjoying yourself. I love you all and promise to continue giving my best.

Self Concept
Self-Concept can also be call self-understanding. Self- Concept simply means the believe one holds about onself in responses to what others think. 
"Who am I?" have asked myself this question several times, it sounds like a rhetorical question but it requires an answer. Who am I question gave birth to self-concept or self-understanding. I was bred in one of the badest area in my town, as I'm growing up there was need for me to know "who am I". I don't want the environment to define my life,then self concept became my watch word.
Self Concept can also be define as an Idea of self constructed from the belief one holds about oneself and the responses of others.I'm a type of person who like seeing others succeed. I carried out my personal survey on how youth are doing, I discovered that many of us allow the environment to define our life and ignore our real self. What made people of the old to taste success is the ability to understand themselves even in a more challenging world compare to ours.
People like Bill Gate,Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Job e.t.c rule this generation because they understand themselves earlier.
Am happy to be part of this generation encouraging children,youth and adult to achieve their aim. The way you see yourself is how the world is going to define you, so relax and let's explore the topic together.
I will like to share a story as an illustration. Mind you, this story is a fiction and characters mentioned are not associated to anybody.
Helen, a young beautiful and brilliant girl experienced something funny. Helen mother change location form Califonia to South Carolina . The next thing is to settle down and integrate with the new environment. Helen didn't find the environment conducive because it's too noisy. Helen likes reading(novels and her course note especially) but she never assimilate in a noisy environment. She forced herself to adapt to such environment . Later she taught she had adapted until her grade dropped that session. This made her to sit down and pin point where she got it wrong. She got a book and listed what she likes and what she didn't like. She hate noise, so it top the list of what she hate. Quietness top the list of what she likes. She reveal the list for several days until something spring up in her,she shouted "so I thought I adapted to the noisy reading environment" wow! I can now figure it out. What am I gonna do was her next question. She study the environment and noticed that it's always quiet at night. She changed her reading plan and saw rapid increase in her grade.

For one to be successful, he/she needs to know himself/herself.

Self Concept: How?

Knowing oneself may take several days,month or years just like when you wanted to discover your potential.'s a personal project and you need a book to keep record of your progress.
2.Write down things you like and those you hate. If you can figure this out, congratulations.
3. Reveal the lists and pin point where you are living a fake life.
4. Check if what you like is morally okay. If you discover that in the list that there are some behaviors that doesn't fit into normal environment then you need to see a counselor.
You trying to know yourself will accelerate the fulfillment of your potentials. If fighting is in the list for example(what you like) you don't need to panic as fighting can be in two form
: 1.Maybe you are destined to be the next greatest boxer.
2. You are growing up to become a
neuisance and terrorize the community.
That's why you need someone to guide you through and help you channel what you like to something great.

Folks,I want you to study yourself and channel your strength to something positive. Never allow the environment to define your life,the environment may call for dropping what you like and accept  what's trending, it's now in your hand to say NO.
Self concept is psychological, you need to start thinking positively about yourself and not what people are saying.
I think it's right time for me to drop my pen and I hope you get what am trying to pass across.
Related article: Creativity


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