how to set goals
Hello folks,I hope you guys enjoy my last article. Goal setting is a common topic among we youth and I noticed that many don't know how to set a goal. I hope you will find the article useful at the end of the day.

What is goal setting

Goal can be define as a dream,idea or result one is attempting to achieve. Goal setting is the process of putting down your specific goals  at specific time. You can write it inside a book or your pc notepad. I will like to ask you these following questions:
What do you want from life?
What do you want to do with your life?

 if you can answer these two questions then you have a goal/goals.

How To Set Goals

Goals can be long or short term. Short term goal time frame is very short while that of long term is set on long  time frame.I will advise you to follow these steps while setting your goals.
1.Brainstorm: think about life generally especially your own life and answer the two questions I highlighted earlier during this process, ideas will come and that why you need to get a book and pen those ideas down.Ask your self challenging questions and dream big because this aid brainstorming session. Ideas generated during brain storming session can be employed or neuter.
2.Write it down: when you don't write it down, then you are not setting any goals.Men tends to change their mind anytime . Many fail to achieve their set goals because they didn't pen it down.Penning it down will bring a continuous remembrance on why you set the goal and why you must achieve it.
3.Set deadline: when writing down your goals, make sure you set a deadline. Setting deadline will accelerate the process of achieving the goal. If you didn't set a deadline you may not be serious about it. You will just continue to procrastinate and procrastination is enemy to goal setting.
4.Be specific:many people have issues in this area. They set goals without specifying it e.g "after high school,i wanna go to college". To study what in college? The goal is not specific,okay let me rephrase it:"after high school, i wanna go to college to study nutritional sciences. Cornell University preferably".(specific goal).
5.Work towards it and talk less:I noticed that many talk much about their goal and such people end up not achieving it. Let the result of the goals speak out and not you. Just determine and work towards it.

Goal setting example

Name: Joel Phillip Goal: I wanna achieve 4.97 GPA this semester
deadline: before the semester result is been release.
How to achieve it:
I need to increase my study hours from 4 hours to 7 hours per day
I need to attend all classes
I need  to be punctual and make sure I sit at the front role.
I need to eat well and exercise my body so as o be in good shape for classes,test and exams.

Folks I hope you found this interesting. Setting goal will surely make you a better person.
Check my previous post:maya angelou


  1. Very nice article.. Really helpful

    1. Thanks. Check back for more interesting articles


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