
Hey guys am happy to share this on this wonderful platform.Ever wondered why  guys do things and believe they can get away with things, then let's analyze this together there is a difference between the nice girl and the bitch.


Lets meet the nice girl
1.SHE'S THE GIVER: gives all her attention and everything to her man that she barely knows without letting him invest in the relationship. Always wants her attention to be reciprocated. calls at every given opportunity, compromise her freedom for him,does only what her man wants or likes just to keep the relationship
Mental note #1:Anything A man chases runs from him
2.SHE'S THE CARER :the nice girl cares too much,goes out of her way to impress him like slim down,use make up etc,does all he wants without questions, makes plans for him all the time,gives in to last minute calls and meetings, gives benefits of doubt most times
Mental note#2:once a man begins to lose interest in you because you are willing to devalue yourself he will loose the desire to get closer to you
3.COMPROMISER: She is miserable or bored when her man does what he likes like hang out with the guys,doesn't say anything but she tries to see "silver lining in the dark cloud"and tries to make the best of it just to be around him at all times,compromises her happiness for him
Mental note #3:when a girl overcompensates her behavior says"what i have to offer is not enough" and it puts him off


 Now i am ready to unveil THE BITCH:Beautiful, Intelligent, Talks about her feeling, Control,Humor.
1.Views her self as the high class babe:this doesn't mean she's proud, it just means that she feels good and confident in herself and believe that she is just enough for her guy... that doesn't mean she isn't ready to change if she does the wrong things.
 2.She shows that who she is is just enough.take it or leave it
3.Gets back to him when she's free.
4.She doesn't compromise her happiness for her man.
 The lady that gets men climbing the walls of their heart aren't always so exceptional, they are often appear to be the one's that don't appear to care much.They take much more priority to their lives and tries to have fun other than wait for the guy on hands and foot.
Sometimes guys don't call intentionally just to see how you respond. Bitches care less about things like this,its like giving them a mental challenge to a degree that shows that they don't have 100% hold on you. Also,starting out dependent turn them off.They want to be in charge but they also want to know that you can hold off without them.When you are independent you challenge them to do more.
Hope to see you guys very soon
By : Otubu Olamide


  1. Interesting read.
    A quick one though. The 'nice girl' sounds more like a girl with esteem issues than nice. I don't think 'nice' really describes this, except there is an acronym for 'nice' as you did for 'bitch'.


    1. Hmmm... Nice was pictured from another perspective.


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