Loneliness : Overcoming Loneliness


dealing with loneliness


"Feeling lonely!", I don't think it's a nice phrase. Growing up is very interesting and many of us play and laugh until our teenage years when "loneliness" became one of our everyday language. Elementary and High School is  full of fun, we play and hangout with friends. Many of us at Elementary stage don't really know "loneliness" except a  few among us. Research shows that as will get to late teenage years and early youth year, we experience loneliness and many finds it hard to cope with it. If care is not taken, loneliness can lead to chronic depression and sadness.


What is loneliness?

According to English Android dictionary, loneliness is a feeling of depression resulting from being alone. The major cause of loneliness is not being able to find friend to play and share one's thought with. Loneliness can be overcome but before I go into that, I will like to give you some hint on how to deal with loneliness (In the lonely hour). Many achievers pass through lonely hour and the hour define their life. Isaac Newton was lonely under the tree he discovered the "gravity".

Dealing with loneliness: In lonely Hour

Trust me, you can bring out the best in you while lonely. Just try to follow these two steps

1.Brainstorm: I believe this is the best time to brainstorm(personal brainstorming) because you don't have anyone around you. Try to figure out why you are lonely,think of what made you lonely. Ask yourself series of questions pertaining to your life, then think of how you wonna breakout of it. The answers may not come but you are getting close to solving loneliness. Novel ideas will come while brainstorming and try to put them down. I believe one of the advantage of loneliness is that it give us time to think of how to solve a problem.

The major cause of loneliness is not seeing a friend to play with but there are still other reasons like:

Failure: some people wanna be lonely because they felt ashamed they fail, they cut every form of relationship and try to be alone.

Poverty: some people find it had to mingle with others because they lack basic needs of life. Since the environment is competitive and people only associate with the rich, what do you expect the poor to do? The poor may feel depress and think something else.

Trauma: some had suffered major blow in the journey of life. The trauma affected them psychologically and made them feel lonely, people like that need to see a psychologist.
While brainstorming, we may get answer to what I highlighted above and find a long lasting solution

Failure: you know why you fail and how to do better next time  to attract good friends.

Poverty: you know the financial strategy (legitimate strategy) to use so as to come out of poverty and attract elite friend around you.

Trauma: After seeing a psychologist and knowing what to do, you feel happy and go back to your friends.

2. It's a time we know our self(Self Concept). Some are in their right senses when lonely(though sad). We think of how to do something wonderful during hour of loneliness. Loneliness can bring the best out of us and it may be what we need to succeed.

How To Overcome Loneliness

Try to figure out the cause: this is very important,you need to know why you are lonely. Is it because of lack of friend? Or some other reasons.
Connect with people on social media: finding the right friend in your neighborhood may be difficult,internet as made it easy for us through social media to connect with friends who we can share our thought with. Facebook, TwitterGoogle + e.t.c is a good platform to meet friends. Just sign up and start making friend. Join groups and communities that suit your interest, share your interest , you gonna see that folks like you will hook up with you. So loneliness will go.
Read: reading can help you to overcome loneliness, especially fantasy novels. The message of the book will keep you busy, make you laugh and bring happiness. So you are lonely!, take  up a book and read or read Elena Gilbert Diary.
Watch movies or listen to music: this may be the best time you make use of your television or mp3 and feel the power of entertainment. Trust me it works,when you listen to music at this moment, you feel the lyrics and beat.Loneliness will just vanish.
Write: you can pick up your pen and write something down. Put what is bothering your mind down. Write your own story or anyone story. Just write and write.
Exercise: you can do light exercise. Exercise can make you happy so why not try it.
If you try the above suggestion and still feel lonely, I will advice you to visit a psychologist. They are friendly and will surely help you out.
Hope you find the article useful folks? I love you all


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