Overcoming failure and past mistakes : 360 Degree U-turn

dealing with mistakes and failure

Overcoming Failure and Past Mistakes

We have hope of succeeding if we learn from our past mistakes and pull together to make the hard choices.
Failure is not the end, it just mean we need to try again until we get it.
U-turn is a word common in transporting world especially vehicles and motorcycle. We all know what u-turn is, literally u-turn in a vehicle is carried out by driving in a semicircle in order to travel in opposite direction.
Figuratively, it is a reversal of policy, attitude, a volte-face, a back flip. 360 degrees is a mathematical term which am gonna use with the figurative meaning of u-turn. 360 degrees is the sum of angle in a circle, so 360 degrees in a figurative term simply means total reversal of an attitude (note the total-maximum possibility of changing something, that made it 360 degree. Partially it would have been 180 degree).

When I was in High School (St. John High School), a man came from United State (Washington) to my school and show us a movie I will never forget, title: Coach Carter.It was a nice movie, it talk about a coach who train a particular high school basketball team. One thing about the coach is his love for academic excellence. He monitors the grade of his student and bench the under perform student even if the student  happen to be the best. Fleekersblog is all about self development and am happy to pick out a character from the movie and use it as a case study to do justice to today’s write up.

Current Mistake : The Good Guardian

Character: Timo Cruz unruly character

Timo is a guy I really like in the movie, his bad and unruly character was amazing. Timo made me to understand the effect of peer pressure and how one’s friend can have positive or negative impact on one’s life. Timo has the ability to have a good grade and go to college after high school but he thought it wasn’t possible because his way of  life is not encouraging. He almost punched his coach (Carter) in a particular training. He was punished several times and left the basketball team though he later reconsidered his decision and came back. Timo also deal with drugs and mingle with the bad guys. He suffered low grade and has no hope of making it to college. He’s  not the only person in this position including some other teammate. Coach carter came to a rescue and molded their life, he forced them to read, he once closed the gym despite being criticized and he made the student to know the need for academic excellence. A bad guy with some of his friends made a 360 degrees u-turn in their final year at high school and this earn them admission into college.
I remembered the man telling us that we should try our possible best to earn a degree.

It’s Not Too Late

Folks, am boldly telling you today that’s it not too late to achieve that goal. I know you’ve made a lot of mistakes, every does at least once or twice in his/her life time. Don’t let the mistake of the past hinder you for being the best. All you have to do is to checkmate yourself and make necessary changes in areas where changes are needed. Many had wasted their time doing something unproductive and they were like “there’s no time for amendment” but there is. It’s not too late for you to earn that degree. It’s not too late to achieve your dream Job. It not too late to achieve your proposed career. All you have to do is to continue believing and never allow the past to weigh you down. The past had gone,  just move on and try to be a better person. A friend once told me that you don’t stop dreaming because you had a nightmare.

The Past Had Gone

Ask successful people today if they had a smooth past, many will tell you no. They made mistake too but there are quick to correct their mistake and move on. J.K Rowling was a single mother when she started the novel “Harry Potter”. She didn’t allow the mistake of getting pregnant when she’s not ready to jeopardize her. She made a 360 degree u turn and her book became one of the most successful fantasy in literary word. Just move on and never commit the mistake of the past. Just forget it and start afresh. The world need you. This generation need you and if you don’t fulfill you potential, no one will do that for you and your potential may be the only thing the world need in time like this.

The failure of the past should never deter you. Everyone had experience failure in one way or the other but the way we deal with it defers and those who deal with it in a right way learn from it and later achieve their aim.
Swami Sivananda said, Do not brood over your past mistakes and failure as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in future

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