Maya Angelou



Maya Angelou, an household name indeed. Her experiences teaches us a great lesson, and it inspire me to write about her so that we can all learn from her. 'I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS' was borne out of Maya's experiences and her passion for writing made her experiences to put meal on her table.
Maya, a young girl rejected by her parent, brought up by Momma suffered a lot of trauma ranging from racism to rape. One thing about Maya is her desire and breakthrough spirit though she made a lot of mistakes during her childhood but she never allow that to deter her, she never allow the past to hurt her future. She gave her all so as to achieve her aim in an odd world then. Folks, you can check Wikipedia for her life history(Maya Angelou). 
Inspired by the poem, I shared my own perception on why the caged bird sing.
Some bird sings naturally, beautiful song of nature. Some sing even in captivity. Maya used bird to portray herself being segregated and look down onto because of gender and race. She can sing, the talent is there, the potential is there but she couldn't fly , she couldn't reach the stratosphere because she was caged. She needed attention, unlike the free bird, her own voice must go higher so as to catch attention. Maya Sang and it caught the world attention, the song of freedom. She continue singing until her song reached the world and she was released from the infamous cage. After being released from captivity, she soured high and felt the abundant space up there , she felt freedom. After freedom, Maya inspired the world has a mother, author and actress. Her life change for better when she recited her poem before Bill Clinton in 1993.
Folks, you might be caged now but you can still fly, just sing, sing and sing. Continue singing until your voice call for attention. A caged bird couldn't express his/her potential because no space for it to do so, but it sings. You too can copy that, never allow the potential in you to die, never give up and always hoping for one day freedom will come, oh ! Folks,liberty will knock at the door of the cage, you will be released and you gonna fly high and higher.
Excerpt from her poem (i know why the caged bird sing) .....
A free bird leaps                                              
On the back of the wind
And floats downstream
Till the current ends
And dips his wing
In the orange sun rays
And dares to claim
The sky
The caged bird sings
With a fearful trill
On things unknown
But longed for still
And his tune is heard
On the distant hill
For the caged bird
Sings of freedom


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