Elena's Diary Part 3 : Not As Portray By Vampire Diaries

elena gilbert

Elena Gilbert Diary

The word of the elders goes a long way. What happen in vampire diaries was really interesting but my story in Nigeria ivory tower was super interesting. I woke up sound and healthy,  I took my bath and breakfast. Am ready to head to the counselors office. The office is located at unity building (one of the most beautiful structure in campus). Most of my friends saluted me on my way to the office,  I  integrated smartly into the system and  the reward was more friends. Diary I want to assure you that lectures are yet to commence at the time of documenting this, so I can't imagine what's waiting for me when lectures starts.
Diary, I kept a secret from you long ago, I had an affair with Roy while in high school but it turn out bad. The relationship blind folded me to the extent of chasing my closet friend Carolina away. Carolina took a bold step by informing my parent, my dad called he said "embrace people who love you even in the time of your weakness. You don't have to loose yourself easily in a guy you barely know compare to a childhood friend". Dad solved the rancor and we were back together. I later broke up with Roy so as to see the strength in my friends and replicate the love they are showing me. Carolina is not here with me in Nigeria, she was offered admission at Memphis University into faculty of science department of biochemistry, I really miss her.
I got to unity building without any disturbance on my way. The gesture of the counselor made me feel at ease, she invited me into her office and offered me a sit. She said "Elena Gilbert am happy to see you, any problem?". Hmmm, ma am facing something strange in this school, three guys walked up to me and told me heart catching words, words that have never come across. They said am beautiful. Ma even Roy never say this to me. She said "who is Roy?", Roy is my ex I replied. Ma I wanna know if I can make a good grade while dating a guy. The counselor looked at me for 15 minutes and said "Elena, it all depend on you. Relationship can mar or make your academic performance. It also depend on the person you wanna date. Just ask you self these questions :
Can't we achieve whatever we wanna achieve as a friend rather than dating?
Me and this guy, are we on the same page? Do we share the same goal and aspiration? Is there any wrong motive behind his proposal? Does he really Love me or just using the L-word to flatter me? If you can answer these questions, then you have the answer to that thing bothering your mind, it all depend on you"

I shake my head and looked convinced. She shook my hand and said she will be happy to host me back if I have answers to those questions. I said no problem, I will try to.
After the counseling section, I headed straight to the hostel. Lecture starts on Wednesday, I got to prepare.
Diary, it was a thoughtful day. I know am gonna find right answers to her questions. To be continued, Stay tuned.
Previous part:elena gilbert diary part 2


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